January 2015 Demo
“Natural-edge/rectangular-edge bowl”
By Ken Rodgers
Ken Rodgers started turning in 1991 and joined WNT almost immediately. Clay Foster and Larry Roberts were my main “go to” guys when I had questions. That was back in the Paxton Lumber store on Berry St era. When we started using video cameras I was involved from day one, both at WNT meetings and Texas Turn or Two (now SWAT). In ’96 a few of us started the Dallas club and for several years I was active in both clubs. A few years ago the drive from east Richardson to Ft Worth in rush hour traffic forced me to cut back my WNT involvement drastically. Now that I am retired and can drive to Ft Worth in the middle of the afternoon I hope to come to the WNT meetings more often. I have done demos at all four area clubs and SWAT. You can see samples of my turnings in my gallery on the DAW Website: http://www.dallaswoodturners.com/Gallery/tabid/91/AlbumID/471-12/Default.aspx