Membership Benefits

Membership in the WoodTurners of North Texas comes with great benefits that include:

     Discounts at local stores, see below.

     Educational opportunities for both you and the community.

     Monthly demonstrations on different woodturning -related topics.

     Friendly and Welcoming club members.

     Hands on demonstrations.

     User open shops.

     Personal growth.

     Free and discounted wood.

     An Awesome Christmas party.

    And we provide Mentors who are willing and able to provide you training in the art of woodturning customized to your interests and skill level.  As a new user you will be assigned a mentor/s who will get to know your needs and make you comfortable with the club. If there are any personality conflicts or the first mentor is unavailable contact the second one or any other on the list, list is on the website. They can help you with different skills, tell you where to get free wood, suggest tool options, show off their shop, evaluate yours and much more. We are here to help you get the most out of the club and get you started. Note: The use of mentors is a benefit of the club, and you will never be charged no matter how many times you use them.  (It is also important to be considerate of the mentor’s time and to follow-up on any conversations in a timely manner.)

We hope you enjoy all the benefits the club has to offer and look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. Meetings are the last Thursday of every month.


Membership Cost

The cost of membership is $36 per year. Membership renewals are due on the first of the year. 2024 membership renewals can be paid at the next meeting  or can be paid using the PayPal link on this page.  Please be sure that your information in the member's directory is accurate and up to date. Changes should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Preprinted forms with your 2023 information will provided for your review if you choose an in-person renewal. You may pay with cash (exact change will be appreciated), check, credit or debit cards or online using the PayPal button at the bottom of this page.

For new members joining during the year, the cost is prorated at $3 times the number of months remaining in the year.  A membership Application and /or Renewal form can be downloaded from the following link:


2024 WNT Membership Application/Renewal Form

You do not need to be a member to come to the meetings!!!  

You do need to be a member to view our videos or checkout books from the Library!!!


Discounts available to members from these supporting businesses:

Woodcraft 10%

Rockler 10%

Woodworld 10%

Barney Robinson 5%



WNTX Club Annual Dues | 36 USD




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