JUly 2012
Joel Crabbe
Topic - Enhance Your Turnngs with Copper
Turners are increasingly using mixed media strategies to enhance their “round and brown” creations. Copper metal is a relatively unexplored material to complement wood turnings, although copper has been used for over 5,000 years to fabricate everything from pots to jewelry; from tools to weapons.I will present the various shapes and forms of copper commercially available, methods of working copper metal, and the basic tools needed. Emphasis on the unique properties of copper will be covered. I will present specific examples of applying copper wire and sheets to turnings.
HOME CLUB: Brazos Valley Woodturners, Waco, Texas - Joel is a founding member of the Brazos Valley Woodturners and has been turning for about nine years. He is married to his high school sweetheart for 53 years and she is my most enthusiastic critic.