Interesting Links


The following are links to articles and videos, from across the internet, that club members think would be of interest to the rest of the club. 

If you have a link that you think should be included please send the link to the WNTX webmaster (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

Please note that the linked articles and videos should not be downloaded and/or distributed without the authors express permission.


Inside SWAT 2023

Woodturners of North Texas
World Wide Woodturners
AAW - American Association of Woodturners
SWAT - Southwest Association of Turners
Q Branch Woodworks
Emma Cook - The Tiny Turner
Stuart Batty Tools
Cindy Drozda - “The Fine Art of Woodturning”
The Woodshed TV - Carl Jacobsen
Woodturning with Time Yoder
Craft Supplies USA - The Woodturners Catalog
Wyoming Wood Turner - Sam Angelo
Mike Peace Woodturning
Woodturning Tool Store - Tod Raines
WOW - World of Woodturners
Worth Effort Woodworking - Shawn Graham
YouTube Channels:
Tomislav Tomasic Woodturning (Dodir Drva)
Q Branch Woodworks
The Tiny Turner
Cindy Drozda
Richard Raffan
Turners TV
Carl Jacobson
Glenn Lucas
Woodturning with Tim Yoder
Jack Mack Woodturning
Steve the Woodturner
Record Power
Wyoming Woodturner - Sam Angelo
Mike Peace Woodturning
Woodturning Tool Store
Online Woodturning Magazine:
Woodturning Magazine - Online Subscription
Facebook Groups:
Bowls Turning and Learning
Woodturning is an Art
Woodturning International
Segmented Bowl Turning
Wood Turning Basics
Art of Turning
Woodturning How To Tips
Woodturning Connection
Powermatic Lathe Owners
Wood Turning
All Kinds of Wood Turning
Wood Art: Turned, Carved, & Embellished
We Like to Turn Stuff
Wood Turners Around the Globe