Open Shop- Home
This is a free once-a-quarter opportunity to get together at a member’s personal shop to see their shop, exchange stories, possibly observe some skills or techniques and perhaps learn about a new toy (um Tool) or possibly receive some instruction from a club member.
This does not replace the existing quarterly open shop events held at the lion’s club, before one of our regular meetings.
Last quarter February 25th, 2023, we met at Randy Sullivan’s shop at 1806 Lakewood Boulevard Euless, TX 76039.
My thanks to Randy and family for a great time! Sixteen members attended and a great time was had by all. Randy provided donuts and coffee and showed us the equipment he has acquired and uses in his shop.
My personal favorite was his demonstration of his 5HP dust collector and the reconfigurable design of the associated piping system. Dust has no chance when this machine is connected and running.
Randy also has several metal working machines at his disposal.
Here are some pictures of the event: