March 2016 Demo


“Clamshell Box

By Wayne Furr

Wayne's Handout Click Here


waynefurrWayne was introduced to woodturning over fifty years ago in High School, but didn’t turn again until 1994.  He honed his skills by taking classes from several internationally known turners, attended symposiums, workshops, and many turning demonstrations. He has been the instructor’s assistant at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN and at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC on numerous occasions.

Wayne is a member of the American Association of Woodturners and an Honorary-Life member of the Central Oklahoma Woodturners. He has served on their Executive Board for twelve years as President, Vice President, and Member at Large.   Before retirement, he was Manager of Cartography for the Oklahoma Geological Survey. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in geography with Highest Honors and additional graduate work from the University of Oklahoma and an Associates degree in Drafting plus most of the course work in Surveying from Community College of Denver, Red Rocks Campus, Golden Colorado.